The Pros and Cons of Vaping Cannabis

Vaping Cannabis 3 - The Pros and Cons of Vaping Cannabis

Vaping is enjoying a resurgence. Vaping has grown in popularity as an alternative to old-fashioned smoking, but what is it about vaping that attracts so many green-thumbed individuals? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of vaping versus just burning your cannabis. First and foremost, if you’re unfamiliar with the topic, […]

Can Cannabis Help Tourette Syndrome?

can cannabis help tourette syndrome 7 - Can Cannabis Help Tourette Syndrome?

Alternative therapies for many serious neurological diseases are now being explored, resulting in some amazing discoveries. Using medical marijuana and/or CBD to treat Tourette’s syndrome is one such example, as the issue of their effectiveness arises. Tourette syndrome, also known as Tourette’s, is on many medical marijuana qualifying condition lists. It’s a neurological condition characterized […]

What Does CBD Help With

What Does CBD Help With - What Does CBD Help With

Cannabidiol (CBD) is frequently discussed in the news, and it’s sometimes recommended as a supplement to your post-workout smoothie or morning coffee. You may also acquire a CBD-infused sports bra. But what exactly is CBD, and why is it so popular? How is cannabidiol different from marijuana, cannabis and hemp? Cannabinoids, also known as CBD […]

Medical Marijuana And Postpartum Depression

medical marijuana and postpartum depression - Medical Marijuana And Postpartum Depression

It’s supposed to be one of the most joyous times in your life while you’re having a baby. But millions of moms across the globe are going through their lives after having a kid, with postpartum depression looming. They’re not happy because they were expecting to. Instead of feeling joyful while pregnant, they feel awful […]

Medical Marijuana for Mental Wellness

cannabis for Mental Wellness 2 - Medical Marijuana for Mental Wellness

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Work, money, partnerships, and even sports may all cause stress. Although many people seek out traditional drug-based therapies for the treatment of stress and stress-related symptoms, marijuana can be used as a safe alternative to help with both acute and chronic stress. What Exactly Is Stress? Simply said, […]

How to Make Cannabis Sugar or Cannasugar

cannasugare 5 - How to Make Cannabis Sugar or Cannasugar

Cannasugar is a wonderful alternative to other infused ingredients. It’s the ideal sweetener for your recipes. To prepare it, first make an alcohol tincture and then add granulated sugar before cooking off the alcohol. Cannabis sugar is a new cooking ingredient that requires you to be creative in the kitchen. Cannabutter, cannamilk, and canna-oil are […]

How Marijuana Affects Your Mind and Body

How Marijuana Affects Your Mind and Body - How Marijuana Affects Your Mind and Body

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, weed, dope, grass, and a slew of other names, is produced from the cannabis plant. It may be inhaled, smoked, vaped, or eaten. Marijuana is popular among many individuals for pleasure and entertainment. Certain doctors, on the other hand, give it for a variety of ailments and symptoms. What’s the […]

Medical Marijuana for an Awesome Night’s Sleep

Marijuana for an Awesome Night Sleep - Medical Marijuana for an Awesome Night’s Sleep

Sleep, much like exercise and diet, is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the typical person should sleep for 7 hours each night. Many people, however, struggle to obtain enough sleep. Perhaps you have trouble sleeping. It’s also possible that it’s staying asleep that’s the […]